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華網消息 (電郵摘錄分享)
感謝你們的事工, 對很多人來說, 這是一個很大的幫助。 也對屬靈生命的追求的人, 是一個很好的學習及建立途徑。本人有少少建議, 請問可以在iphone聽到嗎? 若可以, 就實在太好了,願主祝福你們的事工。
── 大陸某地一群弟兄姐妹
幾個月以來,能收到你們網站有關福音靈性造就,《聖經》研究及見證的傳道,對於我們初接觸基督教的人來說 是很有啟發和幫助的。《聖經》確實是人類史恆古至今的一本博大精深的文獻,我很希望能培養自己對《聖經》的多閱讀和多瞭解的習慣,其實我已明顯地感受到親近耶穌基督帶給自己心靈上的極大的平安。
It’s just a quick note to let you how excited for me to find this site out. I am now living in Canada and attending a white church, due to my family are solely speaking English, so I go to an English speaking church. It is very helpful and relieved to have such a wonderful site that I can get a lot of support, wisdom and guide from different sermons.
Thank you for your information. I station in China and your website is very good channel. If there are more tapes in Putonghua, I think there is a lot of brothers and sisters in China will benefit. If your website can provide discipleship training or other relevant co-workers training. It will help a lot of co-workers development in China.
── 一北上工作弟兄
I appreciate your work for this web site. This is a simple but very useful web site. The categories and volume of tapes are very extensive. Keep up with your good work. I am sure that our father in heaven will admire your effort. He will utilize those tapes for the extension of his Kingdom on earth.
Thank you for build up this wed site it does help my spiritual life to grow. I like this web site so much because I can listen the sermon any time when I am free. I can also tell my friend to listen. I will pray for this ministry such as the number of people who listen the sermon. I ask God to give this ministry more Love and Money.
── 來自多倫多的電郵
── 一位「華網」聽眾
── 一位大陸聽眾
I am in Toronto, Canada. I have been listening your station for more than 3 years, your station is a very good one, it helps me a lot on my spiritual support, please keep going and don’t stop. 願神祝福您!
── 來自加拿大的電郵
Thanks Lord and your faithful work to make this wonderful site full of spiritual banquet available to Chinese Christians and maintain the site. I have been listening the sermons posted at church.com.hk and learned tremendously.
── 一封海外來郵
── 一名本港姊妹
Thanks for the website. Its very helpful for us to listen. By the way, I like Rev Lau Siu Hong’s message very much.
── 芝加哥一姊妹來郵
Thank you for this wonderful website (church.com.hk) that enable us to listening to biblical teaching on God’s Word thru many many wonderful speakers. The testimonies from brothers and sisters are the great clouds of witness of God! It is awesome!I have introduced this website to my relatives and friends. Hope they will listen and benefit from abundant spiritual resources. By God' grace, may God save them.
── 一位熱心福音事工的美國弟兄
I appreciate your work for this web site. This is a simple but very useful web site. The categories and volume of tapes are very extensive. Keep up with your good work. I am sure that our father in heaven will admire your effort. He will utilize those tapes for the extension of his Kingdom on earth.
── 來自墨爾本的鼓勵
── 中國北方某地的來郵
It is a wonderful website help me to more understanding God' Word through the sermons. I am very enjoy it and happy to pass this website to my church friends. Thank you very much again, May God blesses your work.
--From Sydney, Australia
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